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Universal possiblity

In every moment of life there is, or at least there seems to be, a possibility of anything happening. It is a possibility whose corresponding equations are fed by ideal values and whose conditions are ideally met. It is a possibility which marks the convergence of ideals ,which in turn mark the convergence of their corresponding ideals. A universe spinning on an ideal axis; contains the ideal amount of what can be contained and what cannot; all its interfaces crafted to ideal perfection. This is what I call the universal possibility.

Every time I realize that a universe is running with me side by side, and sometimes almost hand in hand, a black hole deepens inside me, devouring all insignificant miscellaneous details that chain me down from soaring to higher dimensions, taking the brave idealistic glance at the perfect edge, always there, always above, and always far but nevertheless there. It is there and it will ever be. The moment sharpens to the very essence, to the very skeleton that hold everything in place, without whose anything cannot exist but without anything it can exist and blissfully so. The world flows down into a reverse bifurcation, consolidating to a few, a little, nothing at all or none.

The universal possibility is not an impossibility. It is truly possible that there will be one moment, no matter how distant it may be, in which all equations are satisfied and a satisfactory answer will be furnished. It is in fact the way how things happen; and so is the same with the universal set of things.

- Naychi

18th November, 2018

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