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One another's light

Hi everyone,


I do not know what brought me here
Away from where I’ve hardly ever been and now
Am never likely to go again.


My name is Su Naychi Moe, Chi Chi for short. I am a second year medical student at IUHW, Narita, Japan. I am ethnic Burmese, and my home country is Myanmar. Public health and art are my two greatest passions, and they will be the center theme of this blog. 


Faces are lost, and places passed
At which I could have stopped,
And stopping, been glad enough.

Have you ever wondered what is going on inside other peoples' minds? I am occupied with this thought every time I wade through crowds of people inside trains, inside parks, at Shibuya crossing, temporarily, unintendedly standing in proximity of each other, and then parting, perhaps forever, never to see again. What kind of lives were they leading? Where are they going? What are their dreams, fears, and hopes? Who are these people?


Some faces left a mark,
And I on them might have wrought
Some kind of charm or spell
To make their futures work,


I am sure that these thoughts are going on in your mind when you decided to stop by my blog. Well, thanks for stopping by. Make yourself home here and enjoy the story of my life.


But it’s hard to guess
How one person on another
Works an influence.
We pass, and lit briefly by one another’s light
Hope the way we go is right.

- Brian Patten, "One another's light"

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