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2) Dead from then was I

They peeled all my cotton and wool

Every piece and thread and scrap

Buried me into a tomb of silk and satin

Abhorrently squishing as they brushed

Their soft lubricacy onto the rock of my body

They wanted me to appear soft


And squishy.

Dead, from then on was I.

They strapped diamonds

Choking my neck with their wanton weight

That jingled a most arrogant tone

They fixed rubies into my skin

So deep that they were confused with blood

Poured molten gold over my face

And scarred body with glittering violence.

They wanted me to appear shiny


And precious.

Dead, from then on was I.

They bundled my wild wild hair

Into an array of compartments

Choking the flow of the mighty free river

Rendering it stagnant

Its once roaring streams have ceased


In the sunny day's breeze

In the windy day's sun

The songs of a happy child have met silence


Reigns over the stagnant puddles

Of what is left of my




They wanted me to appear organized


And official.

Dead, from then was I.

They caked me in white

White flakes flew over the mirror

Spinning furiously under the orange lights

As bright colours invaded my face

My lips thickened in red

My cheeks deepened in red

My eyebrows stiffened in black

My eyelids weightened in black

White, red, and black

Marketed their lousy brightness onto my face

My tricolour face.

They wanted me to appear presentable


And ceremonial.

Dead, from then was I.

- Naychi

Some time in 2018



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