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Is it good? Is it beautiful? These are two very different questions .

Everything in this universe is relative. One's position is determined by the other. Fast is determined by slow ; beautiful by ugly ; colourful by colourless ; tall by short ; hot by cold , and vice versa. One point alone cannot tell the story ; at least two data points have to exist for every statement and conclusion to make sense. Sense after all is the result of relative thinking. Ironically, non-sense ,too, is the unfortunate output of relative thinking.

Every object, every event, every unit of existence is a system of values stacked against each other. Some knobs are turned to the absolute while others are completely turned off. The rest of the values exist in the intermediates of their respective spectrums. Such is existence imagined as a system.

There are definate answers to what is a good system, to be precise a system good for a particular function. Good itself is not enough to answer because it is a very vague, moralistic, and erroneously human term. It is not difficult to figure out what a good system with a function looks like because it has established ideals shaped by necessity and not random imagination or prejudice. However, the question of what is beautiful becomes problematic because beauty has no necessity-bound ideals, requisites ,or theory of any kind. It has no second data point to make sense of the first, and if one exists, it would be purely human, subjective and very much biased.

What is beauty anyways ? People consider beauty to be something pleasing to the mind. So if something successfully attaches the emotional receptors of the mind and produce a positive effect, is it beauty? Beauty: a thing, an event, or even a person with good vibes? Such conception breaks the traditional notion of beauty as a thing made of fine materials or smooth flesh. Beauty is not bound to fine ceremics, clear glass, oil paintings , jars full of full roses and fruits ,and rolls of satin and lace. It is bound to nothing but the vibrations it emits and the state of the mind that recieves them. Beauty, vibrations, and the mind: a triangle of forever.

The human frame of beauty is an evolutionary one. Evolution wants us to survive and for that it had to do its best to make us become interested in reproduction . So developed our multitudinous faculties for that holy moment. Besides, the inclination for it is also deeply anchored in our oldest genes. We are forced to such a powerful inclination that our outlooks and worldviews are warped for that sole objective. Our notion of what is beautiful ( attractive ) is deflected by evolutionary forces, and we end up confusing the beautiful thing with the sexually potent thing. Now that we have long passed the reproduction - first ages, now is the time to revolt these evolution - induced prejudice.

- Naychi

November, 2018

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